5 Calorie-burning Rowing Workouts to Burn Fat Fast - Nick Rana

5 Calorie-burning Rowing Workouts to Burn Fat Fast-Nick Rana

Rowing is a great way to burn calories and develop a lean, muscular physique. Even if you hate cardio, you’ll quickly see the benefits of rowing workouts. All it takes is a quick warmup and you’ll be sweating thoroughly.
“In only 10 minutes you’re going to hit the upper and lower body while getting your energy up and your blood pumping,”. “Rowing may not be for everyone, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself trading up from that warmup to a full workout.”
We asked a few coaches at the Row House in New York City to put together five killer workouts to make your time on the rower a portal into shredded-dom.  Try one each week—or maybe even twice a week, if you want to be a lean machine.

How to Do These Rowing Workouts

The rowing machine—or “erg,” as it’s known—has only a few variables, but they play an important role in your workout. You’ll notice that most ergs have resistance “gears” that adjust the difficulty of each stroke. Don’t assume that you should hike up the resistance all the way to 10. Anything from 5 to 7 will be much easier for a relative beginner on the rowing machine.
The speed of your rowing is called “rate.” You can find your current rowing rate on your rower’s LCD screen. “Rate 26” equates to 26 strokes per minute, or spm.

The Basic

2 min. at rate 22, then 2 min. at rate 24
Rate 26-28-30-28-26-24 (1 min. each)
5 min. at rate 26
1 min. recovery at rate 24
2 min. at rate 28
1 min. recovery at rate 26
Do eight sets of: 30 sec. @ rate 30, then 30 sec. recovery @ 26 rate
1 min. at rate 24
Stretch 2 min.


Row:500m sprint at rate 26
1 min. air squats
1 min. pushups
1 min. shoulder taps
1 min. situps
1 min. V-ups
500m sprint at rate 28 + circuit
500m sprint at rate 30 + circuit
500m sprint at rate 28 + circuit
500m sprint at rate 26 + circuit

3. 1 to 10

100m at 100%
100m at 60%
200m at 100%
200m at 60%
Continue pattern, adding 100 meters each time. Your last set is 1,000m for 100% and 1,000m for 60%.

5x1000 with 1-minute Rest

Set 1: Row 1,000 meters at 100% intensity, followed by 1 minute of active rest in between.
Set 2: Same pattern at rate 28
Set 3: Same pattern at rate 30
Set 4: Same pattern at rate 28
Set 5: Same pattern at rate 26

5. 30-minute Basic

30 sec. of work at each of the following rates: 22-24-26-28-30-28-26-24-22
Drill 1:
30 sec. sprint
10 power strokes at rate 30
1 min. at rate 30
20 sec. sprint
12 power strokes at rate 28
2 min. at rate 28
15 sec. sprint
15 power strokes at rate 26
3 min. at rate 26
Drill 2:
4 x 2 min. at 22, 24, 26, 28
10 seconds off in between.
Drill 3:
5 x 20 sec. sprint; rate cap at 30.
Drill 4:
Row as hard as you can for 3 min.
Row as hard as you can for 90 sec.
Finish with 45 sec. max effort.

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