Which is Better, Walking or Running?

nick fitness expert

Which is Better, Walking or Running?

Absolutely walking.
I’m sorry for you about the fakes answers I can see here that wrote you to do jogging or running.
This thing is one of the biggest mistake of my new clients - they think if they run and sweat they lose a belly fat.
Running do 2 things in your body :
  • Burns the fat
  • *** Burns the muscles too ***
But if you’re subscriber of my email list you already know that the body don’t burn fat if he doesn’t have muscles.
So for the long term - running can cause you to lose your muscles and become a pony with a belly fat. It looks ugly.
Walking, however, burns your fat only and accelerates your metabolism.
It’s a fact and not an “hypothesis”.
I go out every day for a 30–60 minutes of fast walking already 1.5 years and my up to 256 clients do it too.
Here is just 1 of the results :
It works because of the walking.
Believe my friend I really want you to success and I fight for the truth.
Let’s start like this :
Go out this 2 weeks (14 days) every *morning* to 30 minutes of fast walking and see the results.
Good luck!!!

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