The Injury-proof Shoulder Workout-NICK | RANA

The Injury-proof Shoulder Workout-NICK RANA

THE MAINSTAY of an upper body workout is the shoulder press. It’s also, according to an increasing number of orthopedic surgeons, one of the most dangerous exercises. That’s because the lift puts tons of pressure on the head of your humerus—the round bone segment that sits inside the shoulder socket. Over time, that excess weight can cause tears to the socket tissue, called the labrum. Then you may be looking at physical therapy or arthroscopic surgery.

Do a shoulder press wrong and it could lead to an even more serious injury. Andrew Rokito, chief of shoulder and elbow surgery at NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital, says that in the past year alone, his team performed 250 rotator cuff repairs and 240 shoulder replacement surgeries. (The proliferation of CrossFit may have something to do with that.)
“It’s almost inevitable that you’re going to have an episode of shoulder pain if you are upper-body weight training,” says Rokito.
Reducing some of the risk starts with taking shoulder presses out of your rotation and replacing them with exercises that incorporate gradual movements. Adam Rosante, a strength and conditioning coach in New York City, gives us a shoulder circuit that minimizes risk without sacrificing reward.

Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps for each of the moves, resting 1 minute between sets. Use heavier dumbbells for the first exercise (incline-bench isometric row) and then lower the weight for the remaining 3; try using around 40 pounds and 15 pounds, respectively. Avoid setting down the dumbbells between the last 3 moves. Once you’re done, rest 2 minutes and finish with a brachial, or dead, hang. Complete this circuit 2 or 3 times a week.

1. Incline-Bench Isometric Row

Straddle the seat of an incline bench and lie chest down, holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing in, both feet on the floor. Retract your shoulder blades and row both dumbbells parallel to your hips. Hold for 30 seconds, then slowly lower back to start for one rep.

2. Front Raise

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a dumb- bell in each hand, palms facing the fronts of your thighs. Keeping core tight and arms straight and in front of you, raise weights to shoulder height, palms facing the ground. Pause for 1 second. Slowly return to start for 1 rep.

3. Lateral Raise

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand, wrists turned out. Keeping arms straight and angled slightly in front of your torso, raise weights to shoulder height, palms facing each other. Pause for 1 second. Slowly return to start for 1 rep.

4. Reverse Fly

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand. Hip hinge, letting dumbbells hang from shoulders, palms facing each other, elbows soft. Maintaining a flat back, engage core as you raise arms to shoulder height. Pause for 1 second, then slowly return to start for 1 rep.

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