Protein shake and multivitamin tablets is important or not while workout?

You just need to get your protein intake right while you're working out. You need to get around 1g protein per pound of your bodyweight. The source of the protein doesn't matter. It can be from protein shakes, it can be from eggs, from chicken, from cereals, from paneer, from milk. Your body just needs protein. It doesn't matter whether you get it from a protein supplement or your diet.
And coming to Multivitamin tablets. If you're eating a well balanced diet and healthy stuff then you don't really need to take Multivitamin tablets cause your body will get the vitamins and minerals from your diet.
With all that being said, am I trying to say that you shouldn't take protein shake and multivitamin tablets.? No. Not at all. You absolutely should, if you're serious about working out. These as the name suggests are supplements and they give us that extra boost that we need. It's not possible for someone to maintain a good balanced diet 365 days a year. So if you are taking supplements then you can have meal replacement shakes and give your body good nutrition.
So if your diet is good and you want that extra boost then supplements will be really effective for you.

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