The best protein food

nick fitness expert

The best protein food 

You Must Know

Protein builds your body. It creates muscle. It controls hunger. It's a win-win! Whether your goal is weight loss or muscle building, eating enough protein is key, but so is variety, since each kind has its own amino acid profile. Go beyond chicken and protein powder with these great high-protein foods.
Eating a protein-rich diet can help people lose weight because it can help them avoid overeating. A high protein diet can help build lean muscle when combined with exercise. Lean muscle helps to burn more calories throughout the day, which can also help with weight loss.
No doubt about it, protein is good for you -- and can even help you shed those unwanted pounds. But (and you knew there was a "but," right?), it's important to eat the right amount and the right kind of protein to get the lifelong weight-loss results you want.
Here are 10 terrific sources of lean protein:
1. Fish
2. Seafood
3. Skinless, white-meat poultry
4. Lean beef (including tenderloin, sirloin, eye of round)
5. Skim or low-fat milk
6. Skim or low-fat yogurt
7. Fat-free or low-fat cheese
8. Eggs
9. Lean pork (tenderloin)
10. Beans

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