5 Things To Keep In Mind For Healthy Weight Loss

nick fitness expert

5 Things To Keep In Mind For Healthy Weight Loss

1. A Big 'NO' To Packed And Processed Foods
Processed foods are anything that are boxed or packed or sealed. They contain preservatives that are known to increase their shelf life. But these preservatives do nothing good to our health and body. In fact, they could cause obesity in some people as they contain fatty acids, especially in processed foods. You must always choose to eat whole and clean foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and seeds.
2. Say Hello To High Protein And Carb-Rich Foods 
Adding more protein to your diet will not only help you lose weight, but will also strengthen your muscles. Health experts recommend including some amount of proteins, complex carbohydrates and fats in our daily diet. But, make sure that all these nutrients must be derived from natural and wholesome sources like eggs, fish, chicken and pulses are good sources of proteins, whereas potatoes, milk and other dairy products are excellent sources of carbs.
3. Cut Your Salt And Sugar Intake
It is imperative to keep a watch on your salt and sugar intake. Don't worry, this easier than you think, especially if you are able to cut out on processed foods. Processed foods are full of calories and packed with high levels of fat, sugar and salt. Go for fresh juices, natural sweeteners like honey and jaggery, and natural detox drinks like lemon water and coconut water. 
4. Have Five Small Meals In A Day
Your breakfast, lunch and dinner should be spanned out as usual in the day, but health experts and nutritionists recommend having two snacks in between your meals to keep the blood sugar levels constant and maintain energy levels. But make sure you keep these snacks healthy and natural such as fruits, salads or nuts.
5. Steer Clear Of Fizzy And Sugary Drinks
When we are thirsty, especially in warm sunny days or post workout, we replace water with energy drinks and packed juices. High-calorie drinks, including energy drinks, soft drinks, packed juices and even tea and coffee account for an extra calories, which is, of course, not good for your weight loss programme. You must boycott these drinks and opt for unsweetened black or green tea/coffee, lemon water, or simple water instead.
Healthy diet is only about making right choices at every step. After you practice healthy eating for a while, it comes naturally and becomes a part of you. Happy healthy life!

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