What things are not important in life?

  1. Whether you get married or not - in the modern world, in most countries, it doesn't matter
  2. What others think about you - they aren't thinking about you anyway.
  3. Impressing others - especially those we don't even like
4. Overspending - it just destroys wealth.
5. Income - it is somewhat important but not as important as passive income, freedom and wealth. That gives you more choices - How to increase passive income and become financially free.
6. Marriage - if you love each other, why do you need the state to mandate your marriage and it is a huge financial risk - 30%+ get divorced and lose up to half of wealth. It is best to firstly find the right partner and be willing to move away - Top 6 Financial Reasons for Divorce and Breakup
7. Material things - experiences are more important
For most people, the following things are more likely to bring happiness:
  1. Security
  2. Stability
  3. Experiences
  4. Love
  5. Family
  6. Health
8. Brand loyalty -So many people waste money on `dead money products` like rents, and health and auto insurance. Switching and saving is important. I always go online yearly ass I feel strongly some big firms take advantage of people, and take customers for granted. Brand loyalty isn't.
9. What degree you get and from which university - for the most part - Is getting a degree still worth it?

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